The ocean is a beautiful and amazing place that we should strive to protect under any circumstances, but to do so, we must understand one of the biggest causes of ecological harm to the sea, oil spills. Imagine you’re a dolphin, swimming blissfully through the cooling and refreshing water, and you suddenly see a massive splotch of darkness ahead of you. You presume it to be merely some cloud or some other optic obstruction, so you rise up for a breath. In a sudden, all that refreshing water suddenly becomes disgustingly sticky grease, clinging to every bit of your body, and seemingly impossible to get off. Your breath gets slowly more and more constrained, as your vision grows dimmer and dimmer. You try to swim away from whatever painful poison you’ve just come in contact with, but your body won’t let you, almost as if you were immobilized by some ferocious predator that you never even saw. You feel your body shut down, as your breathing no longer works, the once cooling and comforting water now fills your lungs and something that was once your blissful jubilance suddenly spells your demise. That is exactly what happens to hundreds of thousands of animals every year due to the haphazard handling of crude oil done by careless companies to save a couple of dollars.
On December 15th, 2024, a Russian oil tanker was cruising through the seas’ crashing waves during a winter storm, sent into this dire situation in spite of its age and the brutal storm raging around it because of the operating company wanting to please its investors, and oil production and shipping being quite lucrative, the boat barely managed to stay afloat, and it made its way all the way from Russia to the Kerch Strait, which separated the Kerch Peninsula from mainland Crimea, and connects to the Black Sea, until suddenly, the ship snapped in two, and 2,400 tones of oil it was carrying spilled right into the once beautifully blue ocean, and turned the Black Sea quite literally black. This incident killed one crew member, and a countless number of marine life. The sanctity of life tainted in a literal sense by a dark substance that seeps its way into everything beautiful and poisons it with death and demise. None of this would’ve happened if proper precautions were taken; the oil tanker that was used and crashed was made in 1969, with the average lifespan of an oil tanker being 20 years when generous, but alas, it was more profitable for the company to not replace this ship, and rather still use it even in these most wretched situations.
In conclusion, we as people shouldn’t allow
companies to put life in harms way to earn a couple more dollars, and should be
much more aware of massive ecological disasters like these, and consider the
meaningless loss of life, even that of animals to be absolutely horrible, we as
a population should take a stance
against the abhorrent
decision of so many companies to cut corners and put the environment at risk. The world can
and should be aware of the environment and what we should do to protect it. In
the simplest terms, we should do what we can to preserve the environment and
protect the creatures in it.
obstruction 障礙物
constrained 受限制的
immobilized 無法動彈的
ferocious 兇猛的
jubilance 歡欣
demise 死亡
haphazard 隨意的
crude 原油的
dire 可怕的
lucrative 有利可圖的
sanctity 神聖
tainted 污染的
seeps 滲透
precautions 預防措施
wretched 可憐的
ecological 生態的
stance 立場
abhorrent 可惡的
preserve 保護
save a couple of dollars 省錢
dire situation危急情況
in spite of 儘管
sanctity of life 生命的神聖性
cut corners 偷工減料
1: What is the main problem in the story?
A) Bad weather
B) Oil in the ocean
C) Old boats
D) Expensive ships
Correct Answer: B
Question 2: Why did the boat keep working even
though it was old?
A) It was still very strong
B) The captain really liked it
C) To save money
D) The government said so
Correct Answer: C
Question 3: How are most of the marine animals
in the story affected?
A) They swam away safely
B) They were fine with it
C) Many animals died from the oil
D) They helped clean the ocean
Correct Answer: C